Monday, July 28, 2008

Alan's Wheels (courtesy WAMC's listeners)

WAMC's CEO, Alan Chartock, drives this late-model SUV, a Subaru Forester - L.L. Bean edition. Note the New York State license plate -- CJC1731 -- registered to WAMC Northeast Public Radio, Inc.. (Click image to enlarge.)

Thanks to an observant Pirate, Alan S. Chartock's WAMC-owned SUV, a late-model Subaru Forester - L.L. Bean edition, was recently spotted parked at the Austerlitz Blueberry Festival where Alan's musical group The Berkshire Ramblers were reported to have made an appearance.

If you see this car around the Berkshires -- or at night parked in The Chartocks' Hollenbeck Avenue driveway in Great Barrington -- please feel free to say hi to the driver (or, if parked, just leave a note on the windshield or on The Chartocks' front door).
Another view of the same Subaru Forester parked in the 'Performers' Parking' area at the Austerlitz Blueberry Festival where Alan Chartock and his musical group, The Berkshire Ramblers, were reported to have played. Note the Subaru dealer's name on the license plate frame,, which is located at 1754 Central Avenue, Albany, just down the street from WAMC Northeast Public Radio's 318 Central Avenue studio. (Click image to enlarge.)

Politely remind 'Herr Doktor' that this vehicle is supposed to be garaged 42 miles away in New York State, where it is registered to WAMC Northeast Public Radio.

Don't forget also to ask the free-loading little ex-professor just who is paying for his ride, and for the $4 per gallon gasoline used to drive it around to blueberry festivals, on personal errands, and for all that other non-WAMC-related monkey business!
See related article:
"Tax Cheat! How Alan Chartock conspired with WAMC to avoid paying IRS"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to hand it you Great GMH, you are good.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and if I had a nickel for every foreign car or truck that was flying a flag, or had one of those stupid "dupport the troops" ribbons, all faded, I would be able to bail out Wall Street.

Friday, September 26, 2008 7:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's more fuel efficient than the Hummers, SUVs, Cadillacs, Town Cars, etc. that other stations buy THEIR CEOs!

Friday, September 26, 2008 7:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alan spent months railing against Palin because she was "inexperienced." But he thinks Caroline Kennedy would make a great senator. His hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Link :
Drifting On Huck Finn's Raft
From cloud formations to mud puddles, from gas fumes to book marks, perspectives on life and work up and down the Upstate New York Route 87 corridor.

WAMC Continues
It’s more Obama love at 90.3 MHz on your FM dial. Two weeks ago, Mr. Obama gave a one-on-one interview with George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.” Huck done watch the whole thing. Then on Monday, during NPR’s Morning Edition, Cokie Roberts gave a thoroughly dull verbatim report of what was said. It was like going back in time. Hard hitting journalism isn’t found much no more on WAMC.

As to Mr. Shartock, he’s still whining. See, Alan never got any call backs from his resume tapes he sent to the networks seeking a larger soap box to spew his vitriol on everything Republican. He regularly rags on Mora Liason, an NPR reporter who has face time on a number of national talk shows. Guess she got the call, and he didn’t. Locally, Alan did softball back and forth with Ed Dague on WNYT TV 13 a number of years ago. Casual observers noted that the two men didn’t like each other. Actually, the opposite is true. Dague liked sparring with the SUNY professor and found him his intellectual equal. While WNYT management wanted the whiny, unattractive (hey, it’s TV….) commentator off the air, Dague insisted otherwise. Soon after Dague’s retirement, Alan lost his part time parking spot in WNYT’s Menand’s studios. Huck finds "The Media Project," nothing more than m*****bation from Elissa Streeter (a news reader from Channel 10), Rex Smith (the Times Union Managing Editor) and Chartock (A Loud Mouth). None of these guys are reporters. The show would be far more interesting with input from off-the-radar screen guys like Paul Vandenburgh (a radio station owner) or maybe even Dan Lynch, from the same station. Huck thinks these other guys are often wrong, but they do offer a different perspective. Come on Alan, mix it up a bit...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 6:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Subaru also, great cars when you have to drive through snow, my company did not purchase it for me however.

Josh Cohen

PS the below comment was from Alan Chartock, I know exactly how he speaks and writes and that is him, hi Alan. I have a some friends in GB who report back on you...

Monday, July 06, 2009 6:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in awe of your Blog and everything else here at There are more lies per sentence than in a Republican fund-raiser. More stupid yet intentional mischaracterizations and innuendo than in a typical hour of Rush Limbaugh. WAMC gives me great music, wonderful book reviews, and balanced political reporting. If you dislike WAMC, then don't listen. But this kind of vitriol and distortion actually makes me want to go to the REAL Website,, RIGHT NOW to contribute IMMEDIATELY!

Monday, November 02, 2009 4:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contribute immediately so Alan can get a new WAMC provided car!

Saturday, April 04, 2015 8:20:00 AM  

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