Saturday, April 02, 2005

Topic: WAMC-FM's finances.

WAMC-FM's Management regularly says that it has only a month's operating expenses in the bank. Management took in revenues of $5.5 million this past year (Fiscal 2004) . Management also keeps buying more radio stations.
Your feedback:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alan Chartock says he just got back from Paris [Berkshire Eagle --The Travails of Traveling, April 9, 2005). I wonder how much of the trip was actually paid for out of WAMC coffers.

He says he parked in expensive close-by parking at Kennedy Airport (over the course of a two-week trip that can add up), then rented a cell phone while over there -- gee I wonder who paid for such nice amenities. (I'm willing to bet 3 to 1 that he charged whatever he could get away with on his WAMC VISA credit card account!)

This might seem like relatively small potatoes, but all the seemingly small perks add up over time to some real money. And why should a public radio audience have to subsidize one little crook's executive luxuries? Not me!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has nobody investigated this?

Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying this for a while, I worked at the station and saw the abuse first hand and will testify in court, although the statute of limitations may prevent it.

But I'll try anyway.


Monday, October 26, 2009 8:43:00 PM  

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