Saturday, April 02, 2005

Topic: WAMC-FM's On-Air Personalities.

Who should stay, who should go, who should improve, who should be hired (or persuaded) to come on-board?
And please state why?
Your feedback:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They really don't have any to speak of.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come the only one on WAMC doing interviews of politicians is Alan Chartock? You would think in all of Albany they could find at least one or two other interviewers who would be happy to lob serious questions at elected officials -- interviewers with a fresh point of view. Dr. Chartock's 'progressive' politics are a bit stale after all these years and it is so embarrassingly obvious when he throws softball questions to politicians he's obviously kissing up to. I honestly think HE thinks his audience doesn't realize what he's doing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd find any listeners who object to WAMC's cult of the personality (Dr. Chartock), so it's more than reassuring to find this website. My objections are much less political than journalistic. A news story about Mrs. Chartock? free air time for Dr. Chartock's personal physician? fawning "interviews" with politicians and other notables who've made the list? a dumbed down "talk radio" format ("Today we are discussing what makes you happy . . . ")? the neo-Catskills campsite folk music? a fund drive that seems based on pages from the demagogue's handbook? the virtual absence of desenting opinion? What is this guy's job description anyway? WAMC (W Alan "Money" Chartock) is not a public radio station but a private one.

Friday, March 17, 2006 2:15:00 PM  

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