Topic: WAMC-FM's on-air 'Political Commentary'.
Is WAMC-FM's on-air 'political commentary' balanced, or does it carry a bias?
If so, what type of bias, and how much of one?
What changes would you like to see made in order to make the station's on-air 'political commentary' better or more insightful?
Should a publicly-supported, not-for-profit radio station be in the business of offering 'political commentary' in the first place?
Is 'political commentary' the same as editorializing?
Is the totality of WAMC-FM's political commentaries generally balanced between left and right (or whatever political labels one assigns, e.g.: Democrat/Republican; Liberal/Conservative; Blue/Red; etc.)? -- Credit to Brian for raising this question.
Your feedback:
If so, what type of bias, and how much of one?
What changes would you like to see made in order to make the station's on-air 'political commentary' better or more insightful?
Should a publicly-supported, not-for-profit radio station be in the business of offering 'political commentary' in the first place?
Is 'political commentary' the same as editorializing?
Is the totality of WAMC-FM's political commentaries generally balanced between left and right (or whatever political labels one assigns, e.g.: Democrat/Republican; Liberal/Conservative; Blue/Red; etc.)? -- Credit to Brian for raising this question.
Your feedback:
I find it hard to imagine a more anti-American radio station.
Bill Thyme
It reflects the views of those who would never defend their country, under any circumstances, I don't mean this about NPR, only WAMC which to me means 'traitor', or one who would abandon their country due to material gain or ideology.
I would call them anti-American. Look at Alan, Dave G. All of them -- count on one finger how many have served their country, and you'll have to cut off that one finger.
I recall 9/11 I saw an email from one of them stating "My brother-in-law saw it go in" (referring to the attack on the Pentagon). The note had a sense of happiness and approval. Yes, they are anti-American in every way possible.
I heard Littlus Diccus (Alan) today doing a Congressional Corner interview with Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders. Sanders was spouting his views opposing Bush's Social Security program.
Chartock was nothing more than a cheering section. You'd think the least he would do would be to get Sanders to defend his positions. But No. It was clear that Sanders was over-the-top and dead wrong on a whole bunch of points, but Chartock didn't even call him on it -- just agreed with him.
Tax-and-spend meets beg-and-spend.
Alan is making a big deal about Tom Delay using campaign funds to hire family members to do work. I wonder if Alan is going to question Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders about HIS paying his wife and stepdaughter more than $150,000 out of campaign funds!!!
I love the 2nd comment. There's nothing like a pathetic, vicious cheap shot (and one so totally irrelevant to the topic at hand) by someone without enough guts to sign even his first name.
As for "notjoshcohen," if not serving in the military is, in and of itself, anti-American, then are you calling the president and vice-president anti-American too?
As for the entity who does this blog, some of your entries make good points. However, I take issue with this one.
I HOPE individual commentaries aren't balanced or neutral. Commentaries, by definition, are supposed to take a position.
A much fairer question would be to ask if the TOTALITY of WAMC commentaries are generally balanced between left, right and whatever other labels you want to use.
Hey Brian,
If you think WAMC is so great, I think you ought to go work for them, then you'll know what you are talking about.
Oh one more item, if you pledge to the station keep in mind Alan used approximatly $20,000 of station funds to resolve out of court (indication of guilt) a sexual harasment case against him by Karen Perozzi, a former fund drive manager, her husband, Dave Guistina still works at the station. Alan would love to fire him but then the cat would be out of the bag, notice Guistina is the night board op.
Also keep in mind Alan uses WAMC vehicles for his transport to and from his other jobs, going to SUNY New Paltz to teach in a WAMC vehicle with a WAMC paid driver, I got plenty more.
Go work at that station and then you'll see. They ain't what they seem to be over the airwaves.
So, notjoshcohen, I take it you've worked there? Apparently not... I now someone who has and if you actually knew what you were talking about you'd know Guistina does NOT work as either a board op, or at night... hmmm? So much to say for someone who just spouts nonsense.
Brian, you were dead on the money. I believe that this country and the basis for which it started is for independent thought. Oh, and go volunteer for the military notjoshcohen, as most of my family did.
So, notjoshcohen, I take it you've worked there? Apparently not... I now someone who has and if you actually knew what you were talking about you'd know Guistina does NOT work as either a board op, or at night... hmmm? So much to say for someone who just spouts nonsense.
Brian, you were dead on the money. I believe that this country and the basis for which it started is for independent thought. Oh, and go volunteer for the military notjoshcohen, as most of my family did.
Wow... it looks like I'm the only person who comments who is actually somebody instead of Notsomebody or flat out anonymous.
ok, but why work in a place where your boss humiliates and forces your wife from her job, can ya explain that.
This is the real Josh Cohen, a friend told me about these posts and yes, I did serve in the military, yes, unfortunatly, I did work at WAMC, you can call the station to confirm that.
I have to say, while I put that experience behind me long ago, it was perhaps the worst employment experience of my working life. I'd say what you hear over the airwaves and working at the mill that churns them out are night and day different experiences.
Please go ahead and confirm my past employment at that WAMC 1-800-323-9263.
Done here, this is bringing back too many unhappy memories about a place I wish I never knew.
Josh Cohen
WAMC 1994 - 95
David Gustina has an engineer to run the board. He is not a board op--he is a producer and the Local Morning Edition News Host. Listen to the credits that are given every day...
I do, also know that there is only one person at the station when he starts at 4AM.
With all the employees at WAMC who will never get promotions, substantial raises, ect. Don't you think some of them are letting us in on all sorts of things?
It is not such a happy place to be employed and many of them have additional jobs, while Doc gives himself large raises.
Ever think people don't like seeing that, while they have no hope of moving beyond what they do at WAMC?
Is the perhaps not a (the) reason Sue A. left, go girl!!!
Now you can break the story yourself!
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